오존 자동측정망 자료 중의 이상치 점검

Anomaly Test for Ozone Concentration Data from National Air Monitoring Stations

  • 김영성 (한국과학 기술연구원 환경연구센터)
  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


The ozone concentrations measured at the National Air Monitoring Stations between 1990 and 1995 were reviewed to detect any anomalies in the measurements. By screening the cases, in which variation of the ozone concentration from the previous measured value is greater than 75ppb, 125 station-days were identified as the test cases for the anomaly test. Historical and parallel consistencies of the measured concentrations were examined by plotting data for each test case. The detected anomalies can be classified into four categories; single outliers, anomalous variations during the startup period, baseline rises, and fluctuations in th diurnal variations. Anomalies were detected in as many as 80 cases among 125 test cases. Because of these anomalies, the number of hours exceeding 100ppb in the areas other than the Greater Seoul Area(GSA) could decrease from 157 to 107. Further studies for developing the methodology for eliminating the abnormal monitoring data are warranted for the data from the National Air Monitoring Stations are official to the both inside and outside of the country.



  1. 한국대기보전학회지 v.12 1991~1993년 사이 우리나라의 오존 농도변화 김영성
  2. 한국대기보전학회지 v.13 1990~1995 서울 · 수도권 지역의 광화학 오염현상 김영성
  3. 1995~1997 우리나라 오존 농도 변화(미발표 자료) 김영성
  4. 한국대기환경학회지(심사 중) 1990~1997 기간 중 서울 · 수도권 지역의 고농도 오존 사례 연구 김영성;오현선
  5. 한국대기환경학회지(심사 중) 서울 · 수도권 지역의 고농도 오존 사례의 지상 및 종관 기상 특성 오현선;김영성
  6. 2000년대 대기오염측정망 기본계획 (안) 환경부
  7. EPA-600/4-80-030 Validation of Air Monitoring Data Nelson, A.C., Jr.;D.W. Armentrout;T.R. Johnson
  8. EPA/600/4-77/027a, Environmental Protection Agency Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume Ⅱ. Ambient Air Specific Methods U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  9. EPA/600/9-76-005, Environmental Protection Agency Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement System: Volume Ⅰ. Principles U.S. Environinental Protection Agency
  10. Urban Air Pollution in Megacities of the World v.36 World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, Blackwell, Oxford(Edited excerpts from the report can be found in Air pollution in the world's megacities, Environment WHO;UNEP