관개계획을 위한 일기예보의 신뢰성과 활용성

Reliability and Applicability of Weather Forecasts for Irrigation Scheduling

  • 이남호 (한경대학교 농업생명과학부)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The purpose of this study is to analyse the accuracy of weather forecasts of temperature, precipitation probability , and sky condition and to evaluate the applicability of weather forecasts for the estimation of potential evapotranspiration for irrigation scheduling. Five weather station s were selected to compare forecasted and measured climatcal data. The error between forecasted and measured temperature was calculated and discussed. The accuracy of temperature forecast using relative frequency of the error was calculated . The temperature forecasting showed considerably high accuracy. Average sunshine hours for forecasted sky conditions were calculated and showed reasonable quality. From the reliability graphs, the forecasting precipation probabililty was reliable. Potential evapotranspirations were calculated and compared using forecast and measured temperatures. The weather forecast is considered usable for irrigation scheculing.



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