분석기기지원을 위한 원격 데이터 분석 시스템 개발

Development of Remote Data Analysis System for the Joint Use of Equipments

  • 최인식 (기초과학지원연구소 과학전산실 책임연구원)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


In Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI) the remote data analysis system is developed for the joint use of advanced equipments. This system enables the researchers to access the datas which are produced at KBSI and analyse them by Java program on the Web,. Except Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator no additional softwares are required for analysing data. We have developed remote data analysis systems for five major equipments which KBSI supports for the researchers, The systems which are developed are those for NMR spectrometer High Reso-lution Tandem mass Spectrometer Microscopic Imaging System DNA Sequencer and Natural Ra-dioactivity Measruement System, These programs work on any computer platform and any operat-ing system only if the internet is available. This remote data analysis system will be served as a part of Collaboratory the remote collaborative system.



  1. 제 2회 과학기술 정보 워크샵 기초과학지원연구소 데이터 서버 구축 권경훈;최인식;김미옥;김준일
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  5. Fusion Engineering and Design v.43 MDSplus Remote Collaboration Support-Internet and World Wide Web Fredian, T. W.;Stillerman, J. A.
  6. NMR-Data Processing Hoch, J. C.; Stern, A. S.
  7. Communications of ACM v.35 no.6 The Distributed Laboratory: An Interactive Visualization Environment for Electron Microscopy and 3D Imaging Mercurio, P. J.(et al.)
  8. Distributed Virtual Microscopy and Microcharacterization Parvin, B.
  9. Programming with JFC Weiner, R. S.;Asbury, S.