만성 신부전으로 인한 무뇨증 환자에서의 판막치환술 - 1례 보고 -

Valve Replacement in an Anuric Patient with Chronic Renal Failure - 1 Case Report -

  • 김시훈 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학교실) ;
  • 곽문섭 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학교실) ;
  • 이선희 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학교실) ;
  • 박재길 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학교실) ;
  • 진웅 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 흉부외과학교실)
  • Kim, Si-Hoon (Department of Thoracic & cardiovascular Surgery, Catholic University Medical College) ;
  • Kwack, Moon-Sub (Department of Thoracic & cardiovascular Surgery, Catholic University Medical College) ;
  • Lee, Sun-Hee (Department of Thoracic & cardiovascular Surgery, Catholic University Medical College) ;
  • Park, Jae-Kil (Department of Thoracic & cardiovascular Surgery, Catholic University Medical College) ;
  • Jin, Ung (Department of Thoracic & cardiovascular Surgery, Catholic University Medical College)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


오늘날 말기 신부전 환자에서의 심장수술은 보편화 되는 추세이며, 만성 신부전 환자들의 수가 늘어남에 따라 이들 환자에 대한 적절한 치료법 개발이 필요하게 되었다. 이 환자들에게는 관상동맥질환 뿐만 아니라 판막질환도 드물지 않다. 이들에게 시행되는 복막투석은 체외순환에 다소의 지장은 있을수 있지만 수술 전후에 적절한 대책을 준비한다면 더 이상 심장수술의 걸림돌이 되지 않는다. 저자는 심한 승모판막 폐쇄부전과 만성신부전을 동반한 33세의 무뇨증 여자환자에서 기계판막치환술을 시행하였다. 환자는 수술전에 복막투석을 주기적으로 함으로써 수분 및 전해질 균형을 적절히 유지시켰고, 수술후에도 혈액 생화학적 검사결과를 수시로 예의검토하면서 복막투석을 계속시행함으로써 무사히 회복될 수 있었다.

It is now generalized to perform cardiac surgery in the patients with end-stage renal disease. The growing number of patients with chronic renal failure wake us up to the need to prepare for proper management. There are not only the prevalence of coronary artery disease, but also a great amount of valve dysfunction exist in this group. Peritoneal dialysis may be one of the obstacles for cardiopulmonary bypass but it is not a great hindrance in cardiac surgery with careful preparation and well organized perioperative care. The author has performed mitral valve replacement in a 33-year-old anuric female patient with chronic renal failure and severe mitral insufficiency. Preoperatively, the patient was kept in adequate fluid and electrolyte balance using peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis continued and regulated according to the laboratory data in this patient during and after the surgery. She recovered well showing an uneventful course and was discharged on postoperative 1 th day.



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  2. JAMA v.204 Cardiovascular surgery in end-stage renal failure Lansing AM;Leb DE;Berman LB
  3. Ann Thorac Surg v.42 Cardiac Surgery in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Zamora JL;Burdine JT;Karlberg H;Shenaq SM;Noon GP
  4. Ann Thorac Surgery v.64 Results of Valve Replacement With Mechanical and Biological Prosthesis in Chronic Renal Dialysis Patients Lucke JC;Samy RN;Atkins BZ(et al.)
  5. Ann Thorac Surg v.57 Cardiac Operations in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease Kaul TK;Fields BL;Reddy MA;Kahn DR
  6. 대흉외지 v.21 만성신부전 환자에서의 판막치환술 1례보고 구본일;박국양;이홍섭;김창호