Development and Application of a Decision Support System for the Oil Pipeline Transportation and Storage Rates

송유관 요율결정 지원시스템의 개발 및 활용

  • Published : 1999.05.01


Pipeline is an important transportation mode for ail products. The popeline transportation and storage rates affect the popeline usage, and the popeline usage also affects the transportation revenue and operating costs of the popeline. The purpose of our study is to develop a decision support system simulating popeline transportation and storage rates for maximizing the utilization and profitability of the oil pipeline and apply it to the real situation. To do this, a simulation model to help the decision maker decide the rates of the oil pipeline is first proposed. Second, a simulation program is developed, which enables the user to evaluate the various scenarios of oil transportation and storage rates. Finally, this program is applied to the case study of oil industry in korea.
