Solar Ultraviolet Irratiance Incident on a Horizontal Surface at Taegu in Korea During 1995-1998 : (II) Ultraviolet-B

  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


Solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiances incident on a horizantal surface at Taegu of Korea during 1995-1998 were calculated with 5 min averges of measuremets taken every 30 seconds by a broadband UV-B sensor. The maximum and minimum of monthly averages of daily UV-B dose were 15.89 KJ m-2 day-1 in April and 3.91KJm-2 day-1 on May 22, 1998 and 1.230W m-2 at 12 : 45, July 13, 1998, respectively. Increasing trend in annual maximum of instantaneous UV-B radiation was averaged to 12.0% per year during 1995-1998 of observation period.



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