2관성계의 부분적인 상태궤환을 갖는 $H_{\infty}$제어

Partial State Feedback $H_{\infty}$ Control of Two-Mass System

  • 한윤석 (인하대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 김영석 (인하대 전자전기컴퓨터공학부)
  • Han, Yoon-Seok (Dept.of Electric Engineering, Graduate School of Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Seok (Scool of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


In the industrial motor drive system which is composed of a motor and load connected with a flexible shaft, a torsional vibration is often generated because of the elastic elements in torque transmission. This vibration, which is generated in a two-mass mechanical system. To solve this problem, recently there has been a lot of researches for the robust control relevant to the $H_{\infty}$ control suppressing the torsional vibration and rejecting the torque disturbance. In the case of the $H_{\infty}$controller, however, the command tracking property becomes worse because of overshoot during transient response. For this reason the $H_{\infty}$ controller, which includes the two-degrees-of-freedom(TDOF) controller, is designed in order to improve command tracking property. However, it also includes complexity realizing this controller. In this paper, a new $H_{\infty}$ controller with partial state feedback is proposed. Proposed $H_{\infty}$controller has simple structure but satisfies with the fast command tracking property and the attenuation of disturbances and vibrations simultaneously, just like the complicated TDOF $H_{\infty}$ controller.



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  5. IEEE IECON v.3 The Vibration Suppression Control of the Two-Mass Resonant System using the H∞ Filter Jin-soo Kim(et al.)
  6. 日本電氣學會論文誌 v.113-D no.3 H∞制御理論に基づく電動機の制振制御 大內茂人(外2人)
  7. IEEE IECON Application of H∞ Control to Motor Speed Control System Akihiko Tanisaka(et al.)
  8. 日本電氣學會論文誌 v.116-D no.1 H∞制御理論を用いた共振機械系の2自由度速度制御 森本茂雄(外1人)