- 배전기자재의 수명예측 기준제정, 중간보고서 송일근(외)
- 고신뢰성 자기재 배전용 현수애자 개발, 최종보고서 김형식(외)
- Introduction to Ceramics W. D. Kingery
- Glass-Ceramics P.W.McMillan
- がぃし 河村達雄(外)
- 배전용 애자류 품질확보를 위한 경년 시험방법에 관한 연구, 최종보고서 김상준(외)
The paper provides the results of microstructure analysis and dielectricproperties of porcelain suspension insulators. The evaluation of characteristics was also made as a function of the manufacturers and fabricated years for the experimental specimens which had been used in real distribution lines. Even though the series A contained higher alumina contents than the series B, the densification of series A was lower than that of series B, resulting from much porosity. The microstructure investigation confirmed that series A had much porosity than series B. The series A contained quartz