Analysis of Multiple Slab Waveguides by using Leaky Layer

Leaky Layer를 이용한 Multiple 평판 도파로의 해석

  • 김윤중 (서울시립대 공대 전자공학과 석사) ;
  • 서정훈 (서울시립대 공대 전자공학과) ;
  • 이세호 (서울시립대 공대 전자공학과) ;
  • 김창민 (서울시립대 공대 전자전기공학부)
  • Published : 1999.01.01


Multiple slab waveguides are analyzed by using the transfer matrix method and by introducing a virtual leaky layer. It is shown that the analysis is conceptually equivalent to the prism coupling phenomenon. The Lorentzian function is made use of toobtain the eigenvalues of multiple waveguides. Computer simulations are performed onsingle layered, double layered wavegurdes. The calculation results are confirmed to agree well with those of the finite difference method.



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