백터계산을 이용한 단층의 이동량 산출법

A Simple Vector Calculation Method for the True Failt Displacement Distance

  • 황상기 (배재대학교 공과대학 토목건축공학부 토목환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


Ture diplacement of a fault monement is calculated from the displacement of the index plane such as bedding on an outcrop surface. The input parameters are the orientations of the index, fault, and outcrop planes. It is also necessary to input the orientation of fault striation and the offset distance of the index plane on the outcrop surface. The distances of the total, strike, horizontal and dip slip components of the fault movement are calculated from the input parameters. Hwang(1998) conducted a simlar calculation using trigonoment method. To apply the previous method, the offset distance of the index plane must be measured on a vertical outcrop surface. The calculation method of this study accepts the offset distence of index plane on an outcrop plane of any orientation. Calculation results from both method are indentical, regardless of the simplicity of the new method.



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