서울-철원간 추가령곡의 지형분석을 위한 GPS 중력측정

GPS Gravity Surveying for the Terrain Analysis at the Choogaryeong Rift Valley between Seoul and Cheolwon

  • 이창호 (군사과학대학원 지구공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


This study presents the gravity data with GPS survrying and the geophysical profiles at the Choogaryeong Rift Valley. And in determing geoid by GPS measurement, survey control points (SCP) whoch built by the Republic of Korean Army are used. Seventy nine SCP and the two triangulation stations are reviewd by GPS. Digital terain model is under for terrain analysis. The analyses of the gravity surveying with GPS are as follows. The low values of the negative Bouguer anomalies represent the high elevation terrain. The Bouguer anomalies show the decrrasing trend toward the eastern part of the study area. Characteristics of free-air anomalies are related with terrain elevation. The regional gravity anomalies decreas toward the eastern part of the study area. The trends of variations are associated with the thermotectonic and geologic structure beneath the Choogaryeong Rift Valley. The most parts of the study area represent negative residual gravity anomalies due to the low dencity of sedimentary cover in the Rift Valley. There are three valleys and four mountains in the direction of NE-SW or NNE-SSW which are structured by the geological features.



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