입도분포에 따른 하상퇴적물의 지구화학적 분산 및 부화

Geochemical Dispersion and Enrichment of Fluvial Sediments Depending on the Particla Size Distribution

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Geochermical characteristics of the fluvial sediments deprnding on particle size distribution size were investigated in the respect of majir, minor and rare eath element chemisitry. Ratios of $Al_{2}O_{3}/Na_{2}O$ and $K_{2}O/Na_{2}O$ of the sediments show the homogeneous valus, and partly positive correlation with $SiO_{2}/Al_{2}O_{3}$, respecively. Characteristics of minor element ratios (V/Ni, Cr/V, Ni/Co and Zr/Hf)are within the lower and narrow range. Thesesuggested that sediment sources may be acidic to intermediate granitic rock, and may be explained by simple weathering and sedimentation. With increasing SiO2 contents, concentrations of $Al_{2}O_{3}$, $Fe_{2}O_{3}$, CaO and MgO decreased, but those of $K_{2}O$ and $Na_{2}O$ increased, Concentrations of Ba, Be, Cs, Cu, Li, Ni, Sr, V and Zr show comparatively normal negative and some positive trends. Compared with the mean composition of granite, concentrations of $Al_{2}O_{3}$, $Fe_{2}O_{3}$, MnO, CaO and MgO in the sediments of the study area were highly enriced. Among some minor and rare earth elements, concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, and V were enriched, but those of Be, Ce, Rb, Sc, Sr and Zn were depleted when compared with average composition of granite. By decreasing of particle size fractions, SiO2, Rb and Sr conterts decreased, but concentrations of $Al_{2}O_{3}$, $Fe_{2}O_{3}$, CaO, MgO, $TiO_{2}$, MgO, $P_{2}O_{5}$, Be, Cu, Hf, Pb, V and Zr increased. From the correlations between particle size fractions and element concenreations, some elements of $Fe_{2}O_{3}$, CaO, MgO, $P_{2}O_{5}$, Cu, Ni, Zn and Zr showed typical trends in the secondary contramination sediments. These trends are typically shown under 100 mesh fractions. It indicates that the fraction of minus 100 mesh is the optimum size fraction for geochemical and environmental survey.



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