- 지질학회지 v.24 남한의 지하수 및 강수의 안정동위원소조성 김규한;中井信之
- 이상만 교수 송수기념 논문집 경상분지에서의 후기 백악기 화성활동에 관한 연구 김상욱
- 북부 경상분지의 화성활동과 다금속 광화작용에 관한 지화학 및 지질연대학적 연구 김상중
- 금속광상조사연구 감포지역 광역광화대 조사연구 김선억;황덕환;김문수
- 지질학회지 v.16 한국 동남부 월성지역의 함동반암에 관한 연구 김형석;김병각
- 광산지질 v.15 한국남부의 백악기말 이후의 화성활동과 광화작용에 대한 판구조론의 적용성 연구(I) 민경덕;김옥준;윤석규;이대성;주승환
- 지질학회지 v.30 상라광산의 연-아연 광화작용 박희인;문상호;우영균
- 광산지질 v.25 금령 및 기구광상의 동광화작용 박희인;설용규
- 지질학회지 v.23 남한의 백악기-제3기 화성활동과 지구조적 의의 이상만;김상욱;진명식
- 동위원소 연구, KR-87-27 K/Ar 및 휫션트랙법에 의한 포항-감포일대 화산암류의 암석연령 측정연구 진명식;김성재;신성천
- 어일지질도폭설명서(1/25,000) 보고서 최위찬;황재하;윤욱;김동학
- Econ. Geol. v.61 Phase relations involving sphamertie in the Fe-Zn-S system Barton, J.B.Jr;Toulmin, P.III.
- Sciences v.133 Isotopic variation in mteoric waters Craig, H.
- Data of Geochemistry, Sixth Ed. U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper, 440-KK Compilarion of stable isotope fractination factors of geochemical interest Friedman, I.;O'Neil, J.R.;Fleischer, M.(ed.)
- Econ. Geol. v.66 The effect of salinity on the maximum thermal gradient of a hydrothermal system at hydrostatic pressure Hass, R.W.
- Jour. Geol. Soc. Korea v.20 Fission track dating of apatite from the Jurassic and Cretaceous granites in south Korea Jin, M.S.;Gleadow, A.J.W.;Lovering, J.P.
- J. Japan. Assoc. Min. Petr. Econ. Geol. v.81 D/H study on clay mineral from the Iwani Kuroko delosits, Shimane Perfecture, Japan Kuroda, Y.;Kida, Y.;Watanabe, K.;Oba, T.;Matsuo, S.
- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. v.43 oxygen isotopic fractionation in the system quatz-albite-anorthite-water Matsushisa, Y.;Goldsmith, J.R.;Clayton, R.N.
- Econ. Geol. v.67 Systematics of sulfur and carbonisotopes in hrdrothermal ore deposits Ohmoto, H.
- Isotopes of sulfur and carbon, Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits (2nd ed.) Ohmoto, H.;Rye, R.O.
- Econ. Geol. v.57 Studies of fluid inclusions I; low temperature application of a dual-purpose freezing and heating stage Roedder, E.
- Econ. Geol. v.66 Fluid inclusion studies on the porphyry copper type ore depoits at Bingham, Ulta, Buttem Montana and Climax, Colorado Roedder, E.
- Econ. Geol. v.66 Spalerte geothermometry and geobarmometry Scott, S.D.;Barnes, H.L.
- Econ. Geol. v.83 Gold-rich mesothermal vein deposits of the Republic of Korea: Geochemical studies of the Jungwon gold area Shelton, K.L.;So, C.S.;Chang, J.S.
- Econ. Geol. no.80 A comparisonof temperatures estimated from the electrum-sphalerite-pyrite-argentite assemblage and filling temperatures of fluid inclusions from epithermal Au-Ag vein type deposits in Japan Shikazono, N.
- Mining Geol. Spec. Issu no.8 Evidence for pophyry-type mineralization in southern Korea Sillitoe, R.H.
- Neus Jahrb, Mineralogie Abh. v.161 Geochemical studies of hydrothermal gold-silver deposits, Republic of korea: Chilgok area So, C.S.;Yun, S.T.;Chi, S.J.;Choi, S.H.
- Am. Jour. Sci. v.260 The system H20-NacI at elevated and pressure Sourirajan, S.;Kennedy, G.C.
- Geochim. Cosmichim. Acta. v.40 Hydrogen isotope fractionation between OH-bearing minerals and water Suzuoki, T.;Epstein, S.
- Chosen Geol. Survey Geological atlas of Chosen:no.2. Ennicchi, Kyuryuho and Choyo sheet Tateiwa, I.
- Geochemistry pf hydrothermal ore deposits Oxygen and hydrogen isotope relationship in hydrothermal mineral ore deposits Taylor, H.P.Jr.
- Univ. Jour. Busan Nat'l Univ. v.21 The geologicsl and paleontological studied of the Tertiary Deposits of Janggi-Eoill district of Korea. Stratigraphy and geologic age of the songjeon formation Yun, S.
- Essay in Geology Professor Kabu Kitamura Commemorative Volume Tectonic history of the Tertiary pohang and Yangnam basin, Korea Yun, S.
- Tectonophysics v.281 Mincene-pleistocene volcanism and tectonics in southern Korea and their relationship to the opening of the Japan Sea Yun, S.
- Mining Geol. v.31 Mineraliztion associated with Mesozoic felsic magmatism in Japan and Korea Shimazaki, H.;Sato, K.;Chon, H.T.
- Korea. Jour. Geol. Korea v.19 Tertiary stratigraphy of the Eoil basin Yun, S.