휴/폐광 금은광산 주변의 토양오염조사와 복구시스템 연구

Investigation on soil contamination and its remediation system in the vicinity of abandoned Au-Ag mine in Korea

  • 발행 : 1999.02.01


The objectives of this study are to investigate soil contamination in the vicinity of abandoned Au-Ag mine and to apply a remediation technique of liming to tailings. In the study area of the Imcheon Au-Ag mine, soils were sampled in and around the mine the analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry extracted by both 0.1N HCl and aqua regia. Elevated levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations extracted by 0.1N HCl were found in soils taken from tailings site. These high contents directly influenced metal concentrations in soils taken in the vicinity of the site. This is mainly due to clastic movement by wind and effluent of mine waste water. In addition, relatively enriched concentrations of the metals were found in soils extrated by aqua regia due to strong decomposition of the samples compared with 0.1N HCl extration. According to the statistical approach, metal concentrations in soils by 0.1N HCl had a positive correlation with those by aqua regia extraction. Mine waste waters and stream waters were also sampled around the mine in spring and summer and analyzed by AAS for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, and by Ion Chromatography for anions. Like soils developed over tailings, significant levels of metals and sulphates were found in the mine waste waters ranging of 0.2~0.3, 0.5~2.0, 0.2~2.8, 30~50 and 1,240~4,700 mg/l of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and $SO_4^{2-}$, respectively. These elevated levels influenced in the stream waters in the vicinity of the tailings site. In seasonal variation of metal and anion contents, relatively high levels were found in waters sampled on summer due to leaching the metals and anions from tailings by rain. This study also examined the possibility of lime treatment for remediation of acid mine tailings and assumed to be 46 tones of pulverized lime for neutralization of the tailings.



  1. 광상시추보고 no.4 광업진흥공사
  2. 광상시추보고 no.7 광업진흥공사
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  4. 한국자원공학회지 v.30 삼보 연-아연 중정석 광산 주변 토양에서의 중금속 오염 연구 김상현;전효택
  5. 자원환경지질 v.28 모악 금·은광산에 방치된 폐석이 주변 수계 및 생태계에 미치는 환경적 영향 나춘기;전서령
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  8. 자원환경지질 v.29 동진 금·은·동 광산 주변에 방치된 폐석의 환경적 영향 이무성;전서령;나춘기;정재일
  9. 자원환경지질 v.29 금속폐광산주변의 토양, 식물 및 하천의 중금속오염에 대한 지화학적 연구-달성 및 경산광산- 이재영;이인영;이순영
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