- U.S.Patent 4,387,072 Novel palladium alloy and dental restorations utilizing same S.P.Schaffer
- Adv. Dent. Res v.2 Casting metals in dentistry: Past-present-future K.Asgar
- Zum aufbau der systeme kobalt-gallium, palladium gallium, palladium zinn und verw-andter legierungen K.Schubert;H.L.Lukas;H.G.Meissner;S.Bhan
- J. Less-Common Metals v.37 Kristallstruktur von PdGa F.Khalaff;K.Schubert
- J. Biomed. Eng. Res v.20 no.4 Microstructure observation of Pd Cu-Ga system dental alloy in clinical heat treatment L.J.Kim;J.IL.Lee
- Phys. Met. Metall v.47 Phase transformation in high-duly alloy of palladium with copper and gallium S.Z.B.Khabliyev;I.N.Sakhanskaya;V.G.Cheremnykh;V.S.Litvinov
- J. Prosthet. Dent v.67 Metallurgical aspects of high-palladium alloy P.R.Mezger;A.L.IL.Stols;M.M.A.Vrijhoef;E.H.Greener
- Dent. Mater. v.13 X-ray diffraction studies of as-cast high-palladium alloys W.A.Brantley;Z.Cai;D.W.Foreman;J.C.Mitchell;E.Papazoglou;A.B.Carr
- J. Dent. Res v.65 The relationship between hardness and structure of Pd Cu-Ga alloys A.Oden;H.Hero
- Dent. Mater. v.13 Transmission electron microscopic investing ation of high-palladium dental casting alloys Z.Cai;W.A.Brantley;W.A.T.Clark;O.C.Ilendrik
- J. Dent. Res. v.71 no.Special Issue A new high-palladium alloy for implant-supported prothese R.B.Stewart;K.Gretz;W.A.Brantley
- Surf. and interface analysis v.24 Oxidation study of dental metal-ceramic alloys by surface characterization techniques, Pd alloys J.A.Hautanierni;M.Ileinonen
- Powder diffraction file, inorganic phase: palladium standard 5-681. JCPDS(joint commitlee on powder on powder diffraction standards)
- J. Dent. Res v.63 no.Special Issue Phase relations of the palladium-base, copper, gallium, indium alloys system P.J.Cascons
- Elements of Physical Metallurgy(ed 3. Reding) A.J.Guy;J.J.Hren
- Powder diffraction file, inorganic phase: gallium standard 31-150 JCPDS(joint committee on powder on powder diffraction standards)
- Transmission electron microscopy of materials G.Thomas;M.J.Goringe
- Res. Mechanical Int. J. Structural Mechanics and Mat. Sci C.M.Hawang;M.Meichle;M.B.Salanzn;C.M.Wayman
- Ph.D.Thesis,Cornell Univ. Disorder driven pretransitional tweed mocrostructures in martensitic transformations S.Kartha
- Proceedings of the Fifth Int. Materials Symposium,Univ. of California H.Warlimont
- Practical transmission electron microscopy in materials science v.2 J.E.Edington
- Phil. Mag v.14 Diffraction contrast from elastic shear strains due to coherenl phase L.E.Tanner