Recent Development Trends and Future of Medical Image System

의학영상 시스템의 현황과 전망

  • 남상희 (인제대학교 보건대학 의용공학과) ;
  • 박정병 ((주)동아액스선기계 중앙연구소) ;
  • 오창현 (고려대학교 자연과학대학 전자 및 정보공학부) ;
  • 송태경 (서강대학교 공과대학 전자공학과) ;
  • 정준기 (서울대학교 의과대학 핵의학교실) ;
  • 김선일 (한양대학교 의과대학 의용생체공학과)
  • Published : 1999.08.01




  1. 전자공학회지 v.23 디지털 X선 촬영장치 남상희
  2. 전자공학회지 v.21 방사선 의료 영상 남상희
  3. 대한의용생체 공학회지 v.1 비접촉식 Probe를 이용한 Digital Image의 구현 남상희;박성광;최준영(외)
  4. SPIE Proc. Medical Imaging v.3336 A Large Area, 97㎛ Pitch, Indirect-Detection, Active Matrix, Flat-Panel Imager(AMEPI) LarryE. Antonuk;Yocef El-Mohri;Adam Hall
  5. Med. Phys. v.22 X선 Imaging with Amorphous Selenium: Detective Quantum Efficiency of Photoconductive Recoptors for Digital Mammography R. Fahig;J. A. Rowlands;M. J. Yaffe
  6. Med. Phys. v.22 no.10 X-ray imaging usin amorphous selenium: Feasibility of a flat panel self-scanned delector for digital radiology W.Zaho;J.A. Rowlands
  7. Med. Phys. X선 Imaging Using Amorphous Selemium: Inherent Spatial Resolution W. Zue;J. A. Rowlands
  8. J Phys, D: Appl. Phys. v.32 Chanrge transpors and electron-hole-pair creation energy in stabilized a-Se x-ray photoconductors C Haugen;S O Kasap;J. Rowlands
  9. Berichte d Saechsische Akademie der Wissenshaften v.29 Ueber die Beslimmung von Funktionen durch ihre Integralwecrte langs gewisser Mannigfaltigkeiten Radon J
  10. IEEE Trans Med Imaging v.5 Onthe deterrnination of functions from their integral values along certain manifolds Radon J
  11. J Appl Phys v.34 Representation of a function by its line integrals, with some radiological applications Cormack AM
  12. U.K. Patent 1283915 A methode of and apparatus for examination of a body by radiation such as X or gamma radiation Hounsfield GN
  13. Br J Radiology v.46 Computerized transverse axial scanning(to-mography). I. Description of system Hounsfield GN
  14. IEEE Nuc Sci v.NS21 The Fourier reconstruction techniques can be made computationally efficient Shepp LA;Logan BF
  15. computers biol med v.6 Convolntion reconstruction techniques for divergent beams Herman GT
  16. Radiology v.152 Cardiac imaging with a high speed cinCT scanner: Preliminary resuts Lipton MJ;Higgins CB
  17. Radiology v.176 Spiral volume CT with single breathhold technique, continuous transport, and continuous scanner rptation Kalender WA
  18. Med phys v.17 Computed tomography scanning with simultanious patrient translation Crawford CR
  19. Phys. Rev. v.70 F. Bloch
  20. Nature v.242 P. C. Lauteber
  21. Science v.171 R. Damadian
  22. v.CT4 W. Moore;G. Holland;L. Kreel
  23. J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. v.4 G. Holland;R. Hawkes;W. Moore
  24. Fourier Transform NIMR Spectrosocpy D. Shaw
  25. IEEE Proc. v.70 Z. H. Cho;H. S. Kim;H. B. Song;J. Cumming
  26. Magn. Reson. Med. v.3 Z. H. Cho;C. H. Oh;C. W. Mun;Y. S. Kim
  27. Foundations of Medical Imaging Z. H. Cho;J. P. Jones;Manbir Singh
  28. J. Magn. Reson. v.66 F. Mansfield;B. L. W. Chapman
  29. J. Magn. Reson. J. W. Belliveau;B. R. Rosen;H. L. Kantor(et al.)
  30. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.(USA) v.89 K. K. Kwong;J. W. Belliveau;D. A. Chesler(et al.)
  31. Journal of the Korean Magnetic Society v.6 MRI의 원리와 응용 오창현
  32. J. KSMRM v.1 자기공명상 시스템 하드웨어 오창현
  33. 자기공명 기술학
  34. Ztschr. ges Neurolg, Psychiatr v.174 Ueber die moeglichkeit, hochfrequente mechanicsche Schwingungen 민 diagnostiches Hilfmittel zurverwerten K. T. Dussik
  35. 일본음향학회잡지 v.8 no.2 초음파에 의한 두 개내 해부학적 이상검출에 관하여(제1보) 끼꾸지;다나까;우찌와;와가자와
  36. 의학지 v.27 생물학적 조직의 측정과 조직밀도 변경의 검출을 위한 초음파 펄스 이용 J. J. Wild
  37. Lanat I 초음파에 의한 복부 종창 연구보고 I. Donald
  38. J. Acoust. Soc. Japan v.15 Study of the glow patterns in peripheral article by ultrasound S. Satamura
  39. Seince v.132 Blood flow measured by Doppler frequency shift of backscattered ultrasound D. L. Franklin;W. A. Schlegel;R. F. Rushmer
  40. Digest 7th conf. Med. Biol. Engrg. A directional Doppler flow meter F. D. McCleod
  41. IEEE Trans. Sonics ultraso. v.SU-17 no.3 Pulsed ultrasonic Doppler blood-flow sensing D. W. Baker
  42. Proc. 3rd Conf. World Fed. Ultrason. Med. Biol. Realtime blood flow imaging system utilizing auto-correlation technique K. Namekawa;C. Kasai;M. Tsukamolo;A. Koyano;R. A. Lersky(Eds.)
  43. Echocardiography v.3 no.6 Basic principles of Doppler color flow imaing R. Omoto;C. Kasai
  44. Ultrasonic Imaging v.12 A new digital array system for dynamic focusing and steering with reduced sampling rate Tai K. Song;Song B. Park
  45. Ultrasonic Symposium Real-time phased array imaging using digital beam forming and autonomous channel control M. O'Donnell(etc)
  46. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. v.38 no.2 High Speed Ultrasound Volumetric Imaging System-- Part Ⅰ: Transducer Design and Beam Steering S. W. Smith;Hcnry G. Pavy, Jr.;O. T. von Ramm
  47. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. v.38 no.2 High Speed Ultrasound Volumetric Imaging System-- Part Ⅱ: Parallel Processing and Image Display O. T. von Ramrn;S. W. Srtuith;H. G. Pavy, Jr
  48. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v.91 Acoustic cavitation produced by microsecond pulses of ultrasound: a discussion of some selected results L. A. Crurn(et. al.)
  49. Medical imaging systems A. Macovski
  50. Basic physics in diagnotic ultrasound J. L. Rose;B. B. Goldberg
  51. Introduction to Fourier Opties J. W. Goodman
  52. Proc. IEEE. v.67 Medical ultrasonic imaging: An overview of principles and instrumentation J. F. Havlis;Z. C. Taenzer
  53. Ultrasound physics and instrumentation D. L. Hykes;W. R. Hedrick;D.E. Starchman
  54. Doppler Ultrasound, Physics, Instrumentation and Clinical Application D. H. Evans;W. N. McDicken;R. Skidmore;J. P. Woodeock
  55. Color Doppler flow imaging and other advances in Doppler echocardiography J. Loelandt
  56. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. v.44 no.5 Elevation Performance of 1.25D and 1.5D Transducer Arrays Douglas G. Wildes;Richard Y. Chiao;Chris M. W. Daft;K. W. Rigby;L. Seott Smith;Kai E. Thomenius
  57. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. v.38 no.4 Beam Steering with Pulsed Two-Dimensional Transducer Arrays D. H. Turnbull;F. Stuart Foster
  58. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. v.43 no.6 Sparse Random Ultrasound Phased Array for Focal Surgery S. A. Goss;LeonFrizzell;Jeffrey T. Kouzmanoff;Joseph M. Barich;Jeffrey M. Yang
  59. 대한전자공학회 CAD 및 VLSI 설계연구회지 v.6 no.1 초음파 의료영상진단장치를 위한 ASIC 개발 송태경
  60. IEEE Trans. UFFC v.45 no.4 Realtime 3-D ultrasound imaging using sparse synthetic aperture beamforming G. R. Lockwood;J. R. Talman;S. S. Brunke
  61. 의공학회지 v.20 no.4 초음파 선형주사 영상을 위한 합성구경 기법의 해석 송태경
  62. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v.98 Measurements of harmonic generation in a focused finite-amplitude sound beam M. A. Averkiou;M. F. Hamilton
  63. J. Nucl. Med. v.5 Scintillation camera with multichannel collimators Anger HO
  64. Phys. Med. Biol. v.21 Principles of computer assited tompgraphy (CAT) in radiographic and radiosotopic imaging Brook RA;Di Chiro G
  65. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. v.NS-2 Three dimensional reconstruction in nuclear medicine emission imaging Budinger TF;Gullberg GT
  66. Semin. Nucl. Med. v.17 no.3 SPECT instrumentation: performance, lesion detection, and recent innovations Heller SL;Goodwin PN
  67. Physics in nucleaer medicine(2nd ed) Sorenson JA;Phelps ME
  68. 핵의학(제2판) 고창순
  69. Radiology v.114 A positron emission transaxial tomograph for nuclear medicine imaging(PETT) Ter-Pogossian MM;Phelps ME;Hoffman EJ
  70. Am J. Physiol. Img. v.3 Positron emission tomography instrumentation: an overview Volkow ND;Mullani NA;Bendriem B
  71. J. Nucl. Med. v.18 Bismuth germinate (BGO) as apotential scintillation detector in positron camera Cho ZH;Farukhi MR
  72. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. v.NS-39 Cerium-doped lutetium oxyorthosilicale: a fast new scintillator Melcher C;Schweizer J
  73. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. v.NS-40 Spectroscopic analysis of proton-induced fluorescence from yttrium orthosilicate Hollerman WA;Fisher JH;Holland LR;Czirr JB
  74. J. Comput Assit Tomogr v.15 3D PET using a conventional multislice tomograph without septa Cherry SR;Dahlbom M;Hoffman EJ
  75. J. Nucl. Med. v.34 Correction and characterization of scatlered events in three-dimensional PET using scanners with retractable septs Cherry SR;Meikle SR;Hoffman EJ
  76. Clin. Positron Img. v.1 The changing design of positron imaging systems Phelps ME;Cherry SR
  77. J. Nucl. Med. v.3 Coincidence imaging with a dual head scintillation comera Patton J;Tukington T
  78. Phys. Med. Biol. v.40 Singles transmission in volume-imaging PET with a CS-137 source Karp JS;Muehleher G;Qu H;Yan XH
  79. Phys. Med. Biol. v.40 Singles transmission measurements in positron tomography using Cs-137 Yu SK;Nahmias C
  80. Phys. Med. Biol. v.42 Simultaneous PET and MR imaging Shao Y;Cherry SR;Farahani K;Meadors K;Siegel S;Silverman RW(et al)
  81. J. Nucl. Med. v.33 Clinically important characteristics of maximum-likelihood reconstruction Miller TR;Wallis JW
  82. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. v.21 A tutorial on ART (algebraic reconstruction thechniques) Gordon R
  83. J. Comput Assit Tomogr. v.8 EM reconstruction algorithms for emission and lransmission tomography Lange K;Carson R
  84. IEEE Trans. Med. Img. v.13 Accerelated image reconstruction using ordered subsets of projection data Hudson HM;Larkin RS
  85. IEEE Trans. Med. Img. v.9 Bayesian reconstructions from emission tomog raphy data using a modified EM algorithm Green PJ
  86. J. Nucl. Med. v.21 Physical attributes of single-photon tomog raphy Budinger TE
  87. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. v.27 A method for attenuation correction in radionuclide computed tomography Chang LT
  88. J. Nucl. Med. v.23 Attenuation compensation in single-photon emission tomogrphy: a comparative evaluation Lewis MH;willerson JT;Lewis SE;Bonte FJ;Parkey RW;Stokely EM
  89. J. Nucl. biol. Med. v.37 Correction of attenuation in SPECT with an attenuation coefficient map : a new method Bourguignono MH;Berrah H;Berdiem B
  90. Principles of nuclear medicine(2nd ed) Wagner HN
  91. J. Nucl. Med. v.31 SPECT dual-energy-window compton correction: scatter multiplier required for quantification Koral Kf;Swailem FM;Buchbinder S;clinthorne NH;Rogcrs WL;Tsui RMW
  92. Eur J. Nucl. Med. v.21 Scatter correction in scintigraphy: the state of the art Buvat I;Benali H;Todd-Pokropek;Di-Paola
  93. 3D Imaging in Medicine Jagram K. Udupa;Gaber T. Herman
  94. NATOASI series, Series F: Computer and Systmes Science v.60 3D Imaging in Medicine Karl H. Hohne;Henry Fuchs;Stephen M. Pizer
  95. CRC Crit. Rec. Bioengr v.15 Computer Graphics in Medicine: A Survey C. Barillot;B. Giband
  96. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. v.MI-5 Shading 3D Images from CT Using gray-level Gradients K.H. Hohne;R. Bernstein
  97. Clin. Ortho. Related Res. v.284 Force and moment generating capacity of lower limb muscles before and after tendon lengthening S. L. Delp;F. R. Zajac
  98. Anatomic VisualizeR: Realizing the Vision of a VR-Bbased learning Environment H. Hoffman;M. Murray
  99. Fast Finite Element Modeling for Surgical Simulation J. Berkley;S. Weghorst