Small Multidrug Resistance(smr) 플라스미드 pKH4의 염기서열 결정

Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Small Multidrug Resistance Plasmid pKH4

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The complete nucleotide sequence of pKH4, a small multidrug resistance (smr) plasmid isolated from multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus SA5, was determined. Sequence analysis has revealed that pKH4 has two open reading frames for Rep and Smr proteins. The comparison of the amino acid sequence of Smr protein of pKH4 with those of other Smr proteins of various Staphylococcus showed that Smr protein of pKH4 is a new member of the SMR family.



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