• ATANI, SHAHABADDlN EBRAHIMI (Dept. of Mathematics, University of Guilan)
  • 투고 : 1999.05.17
  • 발행 : 1999.07.30




  1. J. Algebra v.184 Finitely generated modules over pullback rings Arnold, D.;Laubenbacher, R.
  2. Comm. Algebra v.25 Pure-injective modules over the dihedral algebras Baratella, S.;Prest, M.
  3. On indecomposable pure-injective modules over pullback rings Ebrahimi Atani, S.
  4. Modules over Valuation Domains, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 97 Salce, L.
  5. Model Theoretic Algebra Jensen, C.U.;Lenzing, H.
  6. J. Algebra v.71 Modules over pullbacks and subdirect sums Levy, L.
  7. J. Algebra v.71 Mixed modules over ZG, G cyclic of prime order, and over related Dedekind pullbacks Levy, L.
  8. J. Algebra v.93 Modules over Dedekind-like rings Levy, L.
  9. Model Theory and Modules, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, Vol. 130 Prest, M.
  10. Math. Log. Quart. v.42 Decidability for Z[G]-modules when G is cyclic of prime order Toffalori, C.
  11. Commutative Algebra, Vol II Zariski, O.;Samuel, P.