Gesture Recognition by Analyzing a Trajetory on Spatio-Temporal Space

시공간상의 궤적 분석에 의한 제스쳐 인식

  • Published : 1999.01.01


Researches on the gesture recognition have become a very interesting topic in the computer vision area, Gesture recognition from visual images has a number of potential applicationssuch as HCI (Human Computer Interaction), VR(Virtual Reality), machine vision. To overcome thetechnical barriers in visual processing, conventional approaches have employed cumbersome devicessuch as datagloves or color marked gloves. In this research, we capture gesture images without usingexternal devices and generate a gesture trajectery composed of point-tokens. The trajectory Is spottedusing phase-based velocity constraints and recognized using the discrete left-right HMM. Inputvectors to the HMM are obtained by using the LBG clustering algorithm on a polar-coordinate spacewhere point-tokens on the Cartesian space .are converted. A gesture vocabulary is composed oftwenty-two dynamic hand gestures for editing drawing elements. In our experiment, one hundred dataper gesture are collected from twenty persons, Fifty data are used for training and another fifty datafor recognition experiment. The recognition result shows about 95% recognition rate and also thepossibility that these results can be applied to several potential systems operated by gestures. Thedeveloped system is running in real time for editing basic graphic primitives in the hardwareenvironments of a Pentium-pro (200 MHz), a Matrox Meteor graphic board and a CCD camera, anda Window95 and Visual C++ software environment.



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