A Data Dependency Elimination Algorithm for Extracting Maximum Parallelism

최대 병렬성 추출을 위한 자료 종속성 제거 알고리즘

  • Published : 1999.01.01


In most application programs, loops usually comprise most of the computation in a program and the most important source of parallelism. When the data dependency relation is uniformin terms of distance, several compile time parallelization methods were introduced. On the otherhand,when the data dependency relation is non-uniform in distance, the compile time extraction ofparallelism is much complicated. In this paper, a general method the extracting parallelism in nestedloops is presented. This algorithm can be applicable where the dependency relation is both uniform andnon-uniform in distance. According to execution repeatedly the statements in nested loops, thealgorithm which effectively removes these kind of data dependencies is developed in order to presentthe total parallelization of nested loops.



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