분산환경에서 능동적이고 적응적이 있는 지능형 에이전트간의 협상

Negotiation among Active and Adaptvie Intelligent Agents in Daistributed Environments

  • 발행 : 1999.01.01


In this paper, we propose an agent negotiation algorithm of an intelligent agent system for an active and adaptive multimedia data services in the distributed environment. We describe theEARTS-II system that performs automatic job seeking and job offering operations using intelligentagents without user's intervention. EARTS-II offers best candidate lists as the results to usersthrough negotiation among agents considering conditions given by the users. And according to theresults, the EARTS-II supports real processes of employment, The negotiation algorithm tries tosatisfy all agents in the job market. To test the performance of the algorithm, simulation results arepresented.



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  2. CACM v.38 no.11 Artificial life meet entertainment: Life like autonomous agents Maes, P.
  3. Intelligent Agents, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence #890 Wooldrige M.;Jennings N.
  4. CACM v.37 no.7 Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overland Maes,P.
  5. Knowledge Engineering Review Software Agents: An Overview Hyacinth S.Nwana
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  9. Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence Negotiation principles H.J.Muller;G.M.P.O'Hare;N.R.Jennings (editors)
  10. Proc. ECAI-96 Workshop on Agent Theories, Architecturess, and Languages(ATAL96) Designing And Implementing A Multi-Agent Architecture For Business Process Management Norman T.J;Jennings N.R.;Faratin P.;Mamdani E.H.
  11. IEEE Transctions on Computers v.C29 no.12 The contract net protocol: High-level communicaiton and control in a distributed problem solver Reid G.Smith
  12. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology Kasbah: An Agent Marketplace for buying and selling goods Anthony Chavez;Pattie Maes
  13. IBM Lakes Architecture: Introduction and Programmers'Guide Barry K.Aldred
  14. IMA Recommended Practice Draft Iteractive Multimedia Association
  15. Detailed Specification of the BETEUS application platform P.Dubois
  16. Proc. of 1997 Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems A CORBA-based Distributed Multimedia System T.H.Yun;J.Y.Kong;J.W.Hong
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  18. HCI '98 학술대회 발표논문집 EARTS: Multi-agent Job Hunting system JiSook Chang;Sungmin Kim;Jin-Sook Choi;Jeon-Young Lee
  19. aglet-book: Programming Mobile Agents in Java Danny B.Lange;Misuru Oshima
  20. Fourteenth Int, Conf. On Data Engineering Data Intensive Intra- & Internet Applications - Experiences Using Java and CORBA in the World Wide Web- Jurgen Sellentin;Bernhard Mitschang