이산 카오스 함수와 Permutation Algorithm을 결합한 고신뢰도 광영상 암호시스템

A high reliable optical image encryption system which combined discrete chaos function with permutation algorithm

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


Current encryption methods have been applied to secure communication using discrete chaotic system whose output is a noise-like signal which differs from the conventional encryption methods that employ algebra and number theory[1-2] We propose an optical encryption method that transforms the primary pattern into the image pattern of discrete chaotic function first a primary pattern is encoded using permutation algorithm, In the proposed system we suggest the permutation algorithm using the output of key steam generator and its security level is analyzed. In this paper we worked out problem of the application about few discrete chaos function through a permutation algorithm and enhanced the security level. Experimental results with image signal demonstrate the proper of the implemented optical encryption system.



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