Model Test of Lining for Estimation of Tunnel Soundness

터널 건전도 평가를 위한 라이닝 모델실험

  • 김영근 ((주)대우 건설기술연구소)
  • Published : 1999.09.01


Recently, many deformations in tunnel such as crack and leakage were occulted. Specially, the defects of tunnel lining have been a serious problem in safety and stability many repair works for maintenance in tunnel have been carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the structural cracking for countermeasure in deformed tunnel and to investigate on the characteristics of lining system and the soundness of tunnel. In this study model tests for tunnel lining were carried out using test apparatus and centrifuge, In the direct loading test, the prototype was Kyungbu high-speed railway tunnel and the scale is 1/10, and lining models were made of concrete. Test conditions included load conditions such as direction, shape and type, lining conditions such as single and double lining, thickness, and reinforcement. In centrifuge model test, the prototype was Seoul subway tunnel and the scale is 1/100, and lining models were made of aluminum and hydrostone. Test conditions included tunnel defects such as thickness shortage. behind cavity and longitudinal cracks, reinforcement methods such as epoxy, grouting and carbon sheet. From these model tests , the characteristics of deformation and failure for tunnel lining were estimated, and the structural behaviors of deformed lining and the effects of repair and reinforcement for tunnel lining were researched.
