- Selected writings of John Huhglings Jackson v.1 On the anatomical, physiological and pathological initigation of epilepsies. Jackson, J.H.;Jackson, J.H.(eds.)
- 신경학원론 서울대학교의과대학
- Adv. Neurol. v.19 Epidermiology of epilepsy. Hauser, W.A.
- Cleve. Clin. Q. v.51 Antiepileptic drug development program. Porter, R.J.
- 黃帝內經素問譯解 楊維傑
- 太平聖惠方 王懷隱
- 東醫癎疾學 金德坤
- 實用中醫內科學 黃文東
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.12 the effect upon mice if intraventricular injection of excitant and depressant amino acids. Crawford, J.M.
- Nature v.287 Aspartate and glutamate as possible neurotransmitters of cells in layer 6 of the visual cortex. Baughman, R.W.;Gilbert, C.D.
- Science v.216 Anticonvulsant action of antagonists of neuronal excitation due to dicarboxylic amino acids. Croucher, M.J.;Collins, J.F.;Meldrum, B.S.
- J. Neurochem. v.7 Amino acid and protein metabolism. VI. Cerebral compartments of glutamic acid metabolism. Berl, S.;Lajtha, A.;Waelsch, H.
- Neurol. v.15 Neurological sequelae following Dilantin overdose in a patient and in experimental animals. Kokenge, R.;Kutt, H.;McDowell, F.
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.186 A comparison of the anticonvulsant, neurotoxic and lethal effects of diphenylbarbituric acid, phenobarbital, diphenylhydantoin in the mouse. Raines, A.;Niner, J.M.;Pace, D.G.
- Epilepsia v.21 Hepatotoxicity of sodium valproate and other anticonvulsant in rat hepatocyte cultures. Kinsley, E.;Tweedale, R.;Tolman, K.G.
- Antiepileptic drugs Trimethadione toxicity. Booker, H.E.;Woodbury, D.M.;Penry, J.U.;Pippenger, C.E.(eds.)
- 자연요법백과 앤드류 스텐웨이
- 향기요법 로버트 티저랜드
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- 方劑의 體系的 構成을 위한 臨床配合本草 康秉秀;金永坂
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- 圖說漢方醫藥大事典 第4卷 陳存仁
- Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. v.92 Design and use of a new electoshock seizure apparatus, and analysis of factors altering seizure threshold and pattern. Woodbury, L.A.;Davenport, V.D.
- Jap. J. Pharmacol. v.22 Changes in sensitivity ot convulsion in mice with olfactory bulb ablation. Araki, S.;Ueki, S.
- Arch. Int. Phamacodyn. v.188 Anticonvulsant properties of diphenylthiohydantoin. Shon, Y.J.;Levitt, B.;Raines, A.
- Epilepsia v.33 Relative anticonvulsant effect of GABAmimetic and GABA modulatory agents. Holland, K.D.;McKeon, A.C.;Canney, D.J.;Covey, D.F.;Ferrendelli, J.A.
- J. Chromatography v.336 Reversed~phase high performnace liquid chromatographic method for determination of brain glutamate decarboxylase suitable for use in kinetic studies. Allen, I.C.;Griffthis, R.
- Method of enzymatic analysis v.2 Bergmeyer, H.U.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurment with the folin phenol reagent. Lowry, O.H.;Rodebrough, N.J.;Farr, A.L.;Randali, R.J.
- 六科准繩 王肯堂
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- Neurol. v.15 Neurological sequelae following dilantin overdose in a patient and in experimental animals. Kokenge, R.;Kutt, H.;McDowell, F.
- J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.186 A comparison of the anticonvulsnat, neurotoxic lethal effects of diphenylbarbituric acid, phenobarbital, diphenylhydantoin in the mouse. Raines, A.;Niner, J.M.;Pace, D.G.
- Arch. Neurol. Psychiatr. v.39 Cerebral dysrhythmias of epilepsy. Gibbs, E.L.;Gibbs, F.A.;Lennox, W.G.
- Epilepsy and related disorders. Lennox, W.G.
- Review of Physiology, pharmacology and Biochemistry v.69 amino acid transmitters in the mammalian nervous system. Curtis, D.R.;Johnston, G.A.R.
- Brain. Res. Bull. v.5 Mucimol: Brain pernatration and anticonvulsant potency following GABA-T inhibition. Enna, S.J.;Maggi, A.;Worms, P.;Lloyd, K.G.
- Nature A site for the potentiation of GABA-mediated responses by benzodiazepins. Simmonds, M.A.
- Trends Pharmacol. Sci. v.3 Baclofen; 10 years on. Bowery, N.G.
- Molecular Neurobiology of the Mammalian Brain Inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters Mc-Geer, P.L.;Eccles, S.J.C.;Mc-Geer, E.G.;Mc~Geer, P.L.(et al.)
- Trends Pharmacol. Sci. v.10 Multiplicity of GABAA-benzodiazepine receptors. Sieghart, W.
- Trends Pharmacol. Sci. v.10 GABAB receptors and their significance in mammalian pharmacology. Bowery, N.G.
- What is epilepsy? GABA, epilepsy and anticonvulsant drugs. Horton, R.W.;Trimble, M.;Reynolds, E.H.(eds.)
- 新編仲景全書 張仲景
- 難經校注 秦越人(著);凌耀星(編)
$\cdot$ 근$\cdot$ 감각 金祐謙 - 임상비과학 대한비과학회
- 생리학 성호경(외)
- 生理學 이종삼(외)
- 신경해부학 Malcolm B. Carpenter
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- 本草備要 汪인庵
- Arch. Exp. pathol. Pharmakol. Pentametylenetetrazole(Cordiazol.) Hidebrandt, F.
- Epilepsia v.10 Laboratory evaluation of antiepileptic durgs. Swinyard, E.A.
- Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. v.14 Intravenous, cortical and intraventricular dose~effect relationship of pentylenetetrazol, picrotoxin and deslanoside in dogs. Bitcher, R.P.;Kanai, T.;Wang, S.C.
Neurochem. Res.
Acute effect of sodium valproate and
$\gamma$ ~vinyl GABA on regional amino acid metabolism in the rat brain. Chapman, A.G.;Riley, K.;Evans, M.G.;Meldrum, B.S. - Biochem. Pharmacol. v.28 Inhibitors of GABA metabolism Metcalf, B.W.
- J. Chromatography Chromatographic analysis of glutamic acid decarboxylase in biological samples. Holdiness, M.R.
- Epilepsia Remission of seizures and relapse in patients with epilepsy. Annegers, J.F.;Hauser, W.A.;Elveback, L.R.
- Epilepsia Open trials with vaproate in epilepsy. Dulac, O.;Arthuis, M.
- NEJM The prognosis for seizure control in newly diagnosed epilepsy. Elwes, R.D.C.;Johnson, A.L.;Shorvon, S.D.;Reynolds, E.H.
- Epilepsia Adjunctive therapy in resistant epilepsy. Callaghan, N.;Goggin, T.
- J. Child Neuro. Vigavatrin in childhood epilepsy. Dulac, O.;Chiron, C.;Luna, D.
- Ann. Neurol. Felbamate monotherapy: controlled trial in patients with partial onset seizure. Sachdeo, R.;Kramer, L.D.;Rosenberg, A.;Sachdeo, S.
- Epilepsy Res. Efficancy and safety of zonisemide: results of a mulicenter study. Leppik, I.E.;Willmore, L.J.;Homan, R.W.
- B.M.J. Medical assessment and treatment of chronic epilepsy. Shorvon, S.D.
J. Med. Chem.
Preparation and anticonvulsant activity of a series of functionalized
$\alpha$ -heteroatom-substituted amino acids. Harold, K.;Kailash, N.S.;Phillippe, L.;David, W.R.;J. David, L. - J. Pharmaceut. Sci. v.83 Substituted 2-bezothiazolamines as sodium flux inhibitors: quantitative structure-activity relationships and anticonvulsion activity. Sheryl, J.H.;Michael, J.R.;Daniel, F.O.;Graham, J.;Roy, D.S.;Denise, K.B.;Laura, F.C.;Mark, G.V.;Peter, A.B.
- Psychopharmacologia, (Berl.) v.14;157 An investigation of a new instrument to measure motor activity of small animals. Svensson, T.H.;Thieme, G.