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- J. Immune Methods v.65 Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival : Application to proliferation and cytotoxic assays Mosmann, T.
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- J. Gerontol. v.11 Aging, A theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry Harman, D.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. v.78 The aging process Harman, D.
- Science v.201 The biology of oxygen radicals Fridovich, L.
- Mech. Age Dev. v.41 Changes in superoxide radical and lipid peroxide formation in the brain, heart and liver during the lifetime of the rat Sawada, M.;Carlson, J.C.
- Lab. Invest. v.47 Free radicals and tissue injury Freeman, B.A.;Crapo, J.D.
- Am. J. Physiol. v.206 Supplemental fatty acids alter lipid peroxidation and oxidant injury in endothelial cells Hart, C.M.;Tolson, J.K.;block, E.R.
- Biochim. Biophys. Acta v.1092 Lipid peroxidation, protein thiol oxidation and DNA damage in hydrogen peroxide-induced injury to endothelial cells, role of activation fo poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase Kirkland, J.B.
- J. Surg. Oncol. v.48 Clinical usefulness of chemosensitivity testing using the MTT assay Furukawa, T.;Kubota, T.;Suto, A.;Takahara, T.;Yamaguchi, H.;Takeuchi, T.
- Free Radicals in Biology Free radical mechanisms Mead, J.F.;Pryor, W.A.(ed.)
- Ann. Rev. Nutr. v.5 Mechanisms and consequences of lipid peroxidation in biological systems Sevanian, A.;Hochstein, P.
- Biochim. Biophys. Acta v.961 Lipid peroxidation and phospholipase A activity in libosomes composed of unsaturated phospholipids. A struvtural basis for enzyme activation Sevanian, A.;Wratten, M.L.;Mcleod, L.L.;Kim, E.
- Fed. Proc. v.40 Association of lipid peroxidation and polymerization of membrane proteins with erythrocyte aging Hochstein, P.;Jain, S.K.
- The Red Cell, Fifth Ann Arbor Conference The physiological significance of oxidative perturbation in erythrocyte membrane lipids and proteins Hochstein, P.;Jain, S.K.;Rice Evans, C.;Brewer, G.J.(ed.)
- Lipids v.16 Covalent binding of peroxidized phospholipid to protein. III. Reaction of individual phospholipids with different proteins Nielsen, H.
- Gerontology v.37 Protein, lipid and DNA repart systems in oxidative stress, the free-radical theory of aging revisited Pancifici, R.E.;Davies, K.J.A.
- Lab. Invest. v.53 Biology of disease, lipid peroxidation and cellular damage in toxic liver injury Comporti, M.
- Lipofuscin 1987. State of the Art Protein oxidation, protein cross-linking and proteolysis in the formation of lipofuscin Davies, K.J.A.;Zs Nagy, L.(ed.)
- Mutat. Res. v.195 Interaction of lipid peroxidation products with DNA. A review Vaca, C.E.;Wilhelm, J.;Harms-Rinigdahl, M.
- Lab. Invest. v.64 Exposure of endothelial cells to free heme potentiates damage mediated by granulocytes and toxic oxygen species Balla, G.;Vercellotti, G.M.;Muller Eberhard, U.;Eaton, J.;Jacob, H.S.
- Phytotherapy Research v.7 Protection of vascular endothelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidant injury by gypenosides Li, Lin;Benjamin, H.S.L.