재생불량성빈혈(再生不良性貧血)의 변증론치(辨證論治)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察)

A Study of Bian Zheng Lun Zhi on Aplastic Anemia

  • 홍상훈 (동의대학교 한의과대학 간계내과학교실) ;
  • 이승연 (동의대학교 한의과대학 소아과교실)
  • Hong Sang-Hoon (Dep. of internal medicine, college of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Lee Seung-Yeon (Dep. of pediatrics, college of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.15


Background/Aims: Aplastic anemia is defined as pancytopenia (anaemia, leucopenia, and thrombocytopenia) result from aplasia of the bone marrow. Many studies have shown that survival rate of aplastic anemia is 50-60% with immunomodulation therapy. In Korea, there is a lack of research considering oriental herbal medicine with aplastic anemia. Methods: It was compared and analyzed that recently several experimental or clinical reports of oriental herbal medicine on aplastic anemia. Results and Conclusion: The oriental herb of Panax ginseng radix, Cprdonopsis pilosula radix, Astragalus membranaceus radix, Atractylodes marcrocephala. Cervi Cornu Parvum, Epimedii Herba, Boshniakiae Herba, Morindae Radix, Angelicae gigantis Radix, Cascutae Semen, Lycii Fructus, Polygoni Multiflori Radix potently stimulated hematopoietic stem cell activity, Response rate to oriental herbal medicine of aplastic anemia was 30-60% and effect rate of aplastic anemia was 73-93%, Bian zheng Lun zhi(辨證論治 treatment according to syndrome differentiation) which based on Shen xu(腎虛) is presumed to approach highest degree effect in response rate.



  1. 대한내과학회지 v.44 no.3 재생불량성 빈혈의 임상적 고찰 길준영;전의건;윤환중;김백수;최용석;조덕연;김삼용
  2. 北京中醫藥學學報 v.22 no.3 周靄祥敎授對再生障碍性貧血的認識 王展우;胡乃平
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  5. Evidence for the envolvement of antigen-deriven T-cell responce in Cyclosporine-Ded Blood v.93 no.9 Characterization of T-cell repertoire of the bone mmarrow in immune-mediated Aplastic Anemia Zeng, W.H.;Nakao, S.;Takamatsu, H.;Yachie, A.;Takami, A.;Kondo, Y.;Sugimori, N.(et al.)
  6. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA v.82 Interferon is a mediator of hematopoietic suppression in aplastic anemia in vitro and possibly in vivo Zoumbos, N.C.;Gascon, P.;Dju, J.Y.;Young, N.
  7. Biood v.65 Lympokine abnormalities in aplastic anemia : Implications for the mechanism of action of antithymocyte globulin Gascon, P.;Zoumbos, N.C.;Scala, G.;DjeuJy;Moore, J.;Young, N.
  8. 소아과 v.41 no.6 재생불량성 빈혈에서의 면역조절 요법 - 1년 이상 추적 관찰시의 재발률, 합병증, 장기 생존율 이준아;강형진;한효정;최형수;유은선;신희영(외)
  9. 대한혈액학회지 v.30 no.2 재생불량성 빈혈에서 중등도에 다른 면역요법의 효과 김병수;신상원;김열홍;김준석
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  11. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.12 no.5 人蔘 saponin 對正常人和 再生障碍性貧血患者造 血祖細胞的剌激增殖作用 高瑞蘭;徐從連;金線梅;王文濤;馬逢順;林振常(外)
  12. 浙江中醫學院學報 v.22 no.6 人蔘 saponin 對人血細胞生成的硏究 高瑞蘭;金線梅;Chong, B.H.
  13. 新中醫 v.30 no.9 黃민多糖在體內對小鼠 CFU-和BFU-E 生成的影響 洪介民;邱健行;胡祖光;高敏 ;李典鴻
  14. 醫用中 藥藥理學 方文賢;宋崇順;周立孝
  15. 中醫治療學原理 孫孝洪
  16. 中國當代中醫專家臨床經驗 ?萊 程爵棠
  17. 中醫雜誌 v.4기 以補腎中藥爲圭治療再生不良性貧血215例的生在率及遠期療效分析 孫衛正;于材聲
  18. 中醫雜誌 v.29 中醫藥爲圭治療不典型再生障碍性貧血 唐由君;願振東;李琰 ;焦中華;宋茂美;朱海洪
  19. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.16 no.9 中藥配合臍血輕注治療再生障碍性貧血的臨床觀察 李曉惠;甘欣錦 ;李建敏;朱方;張文曦 ;張永健
  20. 療寧中醫雜誌 v.24 雄蠶飮治療慢性再生障碍性貧血 48例 應惠배;朱義華
  21. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.12 健脾補腎活血方對再生障碍性貧血有關免疫指標的影響 周永明;黃振翹 ;薛志忠;黃韜
  22. 湖南中醫雜誌 v.14 no.8 驢膠補血沖劑治療再生障碍性貧血25例 張繼德
  23. 北京中醫學大學學報 v.21 no.5 補髓生血膠襄治療慢性再生障碍性貧血臨床硏究 朱躍嵐;孫偉正
  24. 療寧中醫雜誌 v.25 no.5 中醫辨證爲主治療再生障碍性貧血 30例 王成章
  25. 實用中西醫結合雜誌 v.11 no.1 再障靈對60例慢性再障各證型 T淋巴細胞亞群, 紅細胞C3b受體的調整作用及療效觀察 劉實文;陶淑春;李曉英;石偉;張紹蘂 ;李心春
  26. 中醫學學報 v.1 補髓生血沖劑治療再障機理硏究 薄紅;劉傳瑞
  27. 新中醫 v.12 小兒再障的治療體會 黃旭霞
  28. 浙江中醫學院學報 v.15 no.1 二仙溫腎湯治療再生障碍性貧血的臨床觀察 湯金土;史亦謙;趙豪先
  29. 北京中醫 v.5 補腎方爲主治療對再生障碍性貧血免疫異常及雄激素水平的影響 邱仲川;陳패;王運律;應平平;胡琦;吳翰香
  30. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.17 no.4 鷄血藤複方治療再生障碍性貧血臨床觀察 蘇爾云;陳?樹
  31. 實用中西醫結合雜誌 v.11 no.20 重用仙靈脾治療慢性再生障碍性貧血 計磊;張魯英;陳世壯
  32. 浙江中醫學院學報 v.2 解毒生血湯治療乙肝後再障12例臨床觀察 陸紅英;周午平