Prefrontal Cortex and Schizophrenia

전전두피질과 정신분열병

  • Chung, Young-Chul (Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Chonbuk National University, Institute for Medical Sciences) ;
  • Eun, Hong-Bae (Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Chonbuk National University, Institute for Medical Sciences)
  • 정영철 (전북대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실, 의과학 연구원) ;
  • 은홍배 (전북대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실, 의과학 연구원)
  • Published : 1998.12.25


With a rapid development of neuroscience, the theories related to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia have been changed a lot from a simple hyperdopaminergic one to the various complicated ones. Among these, the theories regarding prefrontal cortex(PFC) pathology as a cause of schizophrenia are gaining more recognition as the results of neuroimaging and neuropsychological tests in schizophrenia consistently report abnormalities in PFC. Therefore, we first reviewed the unique characteristics of PFC in anatomy, neurochemistry and neurophysiology to enhance an understanding of those ones. Secondly, various neurotransmitter, neurodevelopmental and neural network theories of schizophrenia introduced recently were reviewed in terms of PFC pathology.
