Performance Comparison of Two Parallel LU Decomposition Algorithms on MasPar Machines

  • 김영태 (국립 강릉대학교 컴퓨터과학과)
  • Kim, Yong-Tae (Dept. of Computer Science, Kangnung National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


This paper presents a performance study of two LU decomposition algorithms on two massively parallel SIMD machines: the 16K processor MasPar MP-1 and the 4K processor MasPar MP-2. The paper presents experimental results and an analysis of the algorithms to explain the results. While the blocked and the nonblocked algorithms for LU decomposition have been studied individually by others, we compare the two algorithms and identify the tradeoffs between them. Our analysis of the blocked algorithm shows how the block size affects the interprocessor communication cost and the memory read/write overhead. The analysis in this paper is useful to determine an optimum block size for the blocked algorithm.



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