Recent Advances in the Nutrition of the High Producing Sow -Review-

  • Easter, R.A. (Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois) ;
  • Kim, S.W. (Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


Genetic advances, changes in housing systems and new management strategies have made it necessary to thoroughly review conventional nutritional programs. The approach has changed from one of feeding to permit gradual depletion of fat and protein tissues to one of feeding to maintain long-term nutritional balance. Increasingly the sow is viewed as a dynamic system that can be described by a mathematical model. There is opportunity to improve the initial models through research to provide a better understanding of metabolism and key physiological events in the sow's reproductive life. Direct experimentation remains a very important tool for defining nutritional requirements. Recent data supports increases in amino acid recommendations during lactation. Voluntary feed intake remains an intractable problem during lactation.


Cited by

  1. Effect of feeding sows on rations enriched with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and the growth capacity and survival of their piglets vol.60, pp.6, 2013,
  2. Effects of Dietary Lysine Supplementation on the Performance of Lactating Sows and Litter Piglets during Different Seasons vol.19, pp.4, 1998,
  3. Effects of Yeast Culture Supplementation to Gestation and Lactation Diets on Growth of Nursing Piglets vol.21, pp.7, 2008,