
Adolescent Psychology

  • 조두영 (서울대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실)
  • Cho, Doo-Young (Professor of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.15


A dolescence can be defined as the period between pubescence and physical maturity, and the passage through adolescence(age of 12-19) forms a critical period. Major developmental tasks of adolescence are construction of an emancipated identity, realistic ambitions, and reasonable ideals, and the further development of sexual and social identities. In early adolescence one struggles to adjust psychologically to the spurt in growth and tensions filled with sexual and aggressive impulses. There are reshuffling of peer groups due to differing rates of maturation, early adolescence crushes, sublimation of sexuality, and the resurgence of oedipal feelings. One reaches so-called period of formal operations in cognitive development. In mid-adolescence one struggles to overcome family attachments and controls, and it is a time marked by revolt and conformity. One has to overcome sexual repression while caught in reactivation of oedipal attachment. Peer groups gains in importance, and the peer group changes into a youth group that carries the youth culture. Late adolescence is a period of achieving an ego identity and capacities for intimacy. One has to prevent premature closure : Identity foreclosure limits both opportunity and the ability to guide one's own life. Gradually adolescent begins to have a loss self-centered and narcissistic orientation to one's sexual and affectional needs, and becomes involved in love relationship.
