가축분뇨 슬러리 액비 부숙 조건별 특성비교

Comparison of Liquid Composting Efficiency using Liquid Pig Manure in Different Condition

  • Jung, Kwang-Yong (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Cho, Nam-Jun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Jeong, Yee-Geun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.30


본 연구는 농가에서 사용하는 저류조, 연속 폭기조, 혐기성 정치식, 혐기성 교반식의 4가지 형태의 부숙조를 이용하여 액상 가축분 퇴비 부숙효율을 평가하기 위하여 수행하였다. 호기성 폭기조는 BOD 및 악취 제거율에서 혐기성 부숙방법보다 우수하였다. 반면에 질소는 초기농도의 47%가 손실되어 혐기성 부숙방법보다 심한 편이었다. 혐기성 부숙방법중 교반식과 정치식간에는 큰 차이는 인정되지 않았다. 그러나 혐기성 교반식이 정치식보다 대장균 제거율, 악취제거율은 더 높았으며, 질소 손실율은 더 낮게 나타났다. 농가에서 사용하는 저류조 형태의 부숙조는 혐기 또는 호기성 처리 방법보다 BOD, 대장균, 악취제거율등이 낮았다. 각 개별요인들의 효율을 종합 평가한 결과 액비 부숙효율은 혐기성 교반조>호기성 폭기조>무교반 혐기성조>저류조 순으로 높았다.

This study was conducted to evaluate the liquid composting efficiency using pig manure in different condition such as simple storage type reactor, continuous aeration reactor, anaerobic reactor and anaerobic agitation reactor. Continuous aeration reactor was the most efficiency method to BOD and malodors removal than other methods. While nitrogen loss in continuous aeration reactor was 47% of initial concentration, which was the higher amount than any other digestion methods. The digestion efficiency between anaerobic reactor and anaerobic agitation reactor were similar, but E. coli and malodor removal efficiency were a little higher in the anaerobic agitation reactor. Simple storage type reactor which was conventional digestion method in rural area gave lower efficiency than aerobic and anaerobic digestion methods in view of BOD, E. coli and malodor removal. The liquid composting efficiency which were evaluated by various indicators like pH, BOD, E, coli, malodor and nitrogen loss was high in the order of anaerobic agitation reactor>continuous aeration reactor>anaerobic reactor>simple storage type reactor.
