지역사회 개발과 지역사회 리더십

Community Development and Community Leadership

  • 발행 : 1998.06.30


Rural communities have been isolated from social and economic changes underway in the broader society. Trends towed an urbanized society have depopulated many rural areas (Flora, et al, 1992). The South Korean government has targeted efforts toward an urban centered economic development policy, which has neglected the rural areas. The South Korean government also has indoctrinated rural community development with a quick-fix approach. Self-directed economic organizations based in rural South Korea began to emerge in the late 1980s. Since the 1980s, South Korean agricultural sectors have been overshadowed by globalism. McMichael (1996) stated that rural communities have two options. A immunity should either End its niche (i.e. the commodities or products that can have advantages in the international trade market) or protest against globalism to survive if rural communities fail to find a niche under globalism. South Korean neat communities did not have enough natural resources nor enough money to invest for their rural community economic development programs. These limitations made it difficult for South Korean coral communities to compete in a global economic environment. Israel, Coleman, and Ilvento (1993) stated that local leadership is a critical component in the ability of communities to respond to lang-standing problems and emerging needs. Swinth and Alexander (1990) asserted that rural leaders are critical actors in rural community development. Whether rural communities succeed in finding their niche or not, the role of rural community leaders is important for rural communities to find ways to cope in the international agriculture market.
