양파의 연작지(連作地)에서 질소(窒素) 및 가리비종별(加里肥種別) 생육반응(生育反應)

Effect of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer Types on Growth Responce of Onions Under Continuous Cropping

  • Shin, Bog-Woo (National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Yoo, Chul-Hyun (National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Bog (National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Joeng, Ji-Ho (National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Han, Sang-Soo (National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station, RDA)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.30


양파의 연작재배시(連作栽培時) 질소비종(窒素肥種)(요소, 유안)과 가리비종(加里肥種)(염화가리, 황산가리), 그리고 토양개량제(土壤改良劑)(석회)시용시 양분흡수량(養分吸收量)과 생육 그리고 수량성을 검토하고자 전남 무안군의 용계통(龍溪統)에서 천주황을 공시품종으로 하여 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 식물체중(植物體中) N P K 흡수량(及收量)은 요소 및 염화가리시용구보다 토양진단시비(土壤診斷施肥)에 의해 유안과 황산가리 혼합시용(混合施用)으로 흡수량이 높았다. 토양중(土壤中) 황함량(黃含量)은 수확기(收穫期)보다는 생육중기(生育中期)에, 식물체중(植物體中) 황함량(黃含量)은 수확기(收穫期)에 가장 높았으며 구중(球中)보다는 경엽(莖葉)에서 높았다. 양파구중(球中) 당도(糖度)는 7.43~8.23 Brix로 차이가 있었으며 구(球)의 크기별로는 소구(小球)보다는 대구(大球)에서 높았다. 토양진단시비(土壤診斷施肥)에 의한 유안과 황산가리 혼용시용(混用施用)으로 건물중(乾物重)의 증가 및 구(球)의 상품율(上品率)이 높아 관행에 비해 2~6% 증수되었다.

This experiment was carried out to investigate the changes on nutrient uptake and yields of onion when it was applied with urea and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen fertilizer types; potassium chloride and potasssium sulfate as potassium fertilizer types and lime requirement and phosphorus absorption coefficient controlled 5% as soil improvement index. The variety of onion used was CheonJuHwang and the soil used was Yonggye series in the Jeonnam Muan area. The amounts of N, P and K uptake were higher in the mixed application plot of ammonium sulfate and potassium sulfate than in the plot of urea or potassium chloride. The sulfate content of soil was higher in the period of plant growth than in the harvest stage. The sulfate content of plant was highest in the harvest stage and this content was higher in the stem and in the leaf than in the bulb. The sugar content of onion was 7.43~8.23 Brix content was higher in the large bulb than in the small bulb. The weight of dry matter and the rate of good quality were high in the mixed application plot of ammonium sulfate and potassium sulfate, so the yield of onion was increased 2~6% compared with control.
