Macromolecular Cytosolic Delivery: Cell Membranes as the Primary Obstacle

  • Larson, Gretchen M. (Pharmaceutics Division, College of Pharmacy, Uniersity of Michigan) ;
  • Lee, Kyung-Dall (Pharmaceutics Division, College of Pharmacy, Uniersity of Michigan)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


The "evolution" of a thing, a custom, an organ is thus by no means its progressus toward a goal, even less a logical progressus by the shortest route and with the least expendit ure of force, but a succession of more or less profound, mutually independent processes of subduing, plus the resistances they encounter, the attempts at transformation for the purpose of defense and reaction, and the results of successful counteractions. The form is fluid, but the "meaning" is even more so (Friedrich W. Nietzsche).
