온실 난방을 위한 평판형 태양집열기의 열적성능 분석

Analysis on the Thermal Performance of Flat-plate Solar Collector for Greenhouse Heating(I)

  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


This study was performed to investigate thermal performances of two different types of flat-plate solar collector systems; natural circulation system and forced circulation system. Conclusions obtained from this study are summarized as follows; 1) In the natural circulation system, the total heat amounts retrieved by starting recovery soon after sunrise were ranged from 10.28 to 17.20MJ/m$^2$, while the total heat amounts retrieved by starting recovery after sunset were ranged from 5.31 to 10.77MJ/m$^2$. 2) The collector efficiency in natural circulation system were ranged from 51.1% to 54.1% when the collected heat was retrieved after sunrise and were 65.8~78.0% when the collected heat was retrieved soon after sunset. 3) According to the regression analysis between fluid flow rates and fluid temperature difference at inlet and outlet of collector pipe, there was high regressive corelations with regression coefficient, r, of 0.982. 4) The collector efficiencies estimated for forced circulation system were 73.1~88.6%, and 78.4~94.8%, and 64.2%~74.5%, respectively when fluid circulation rates were 4.2 l/min, and 7.0 l/min, respectively.
