이완성 구음마비 환자의 운율적 특성 연구

Some Prosodic Characteristics of Flaccid Dysarthria

  • 김수정 (경희의료원 한방재활의학과 언어요법실) ;
  • 신지영 (고려대학교 민족문화연구원) ;
  • 김기호 (고려대학교 영어영문학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


In the previous studies, some characteristics of flaccid dysarthria patients have been studied mainly in two aspects: their difficulties in articulation and their metrical dysfunction. Therapeutic research on the articulation impediment of the patients have been carried out extensively (Yorkston, 1981). However, their phonetic characteristics have been less well-studied. The aim of this paper is to measure and describe some phonetic differences between the normal speaker group (six speakers) and the flaccid dysarthria patient group (six speakers in three different degreed of severity). Two types of short sentences comprising of subject-object-verb, i.e. declarative and yes-no question sentences, were recorded to investigate some phonetic characteristics of these two groups of speakers. The two groups (normal group vs. patient group) show differences in yes-no question boundary tone (H% vs. HL%), pitch range (wide vs. narrow), duration (short vs. long) and intensity (strong vs. weak) of sentence final verb endings in Korean.
