Ab initio Studies on Rh(I)- and Ir(I)-Phenylacetylene Complexes

  • Published : 1998.05.20


The structures and energies for the intramolecular rearrangement in $d^8-MCl(PH_3)_2$(HC≡CPh), M=Rh and Ir, complexes were studied by ab initio method at the Hartree-Fock and MP2 levels of theory. Three transition states in two pathways were optimized and characterized by frequency calculations. The activation energies for the process of π-type complex 1 to hydrido-alkynyl 2 have been computed to be relatively low 6.97 and 21.33 kcal/mol at MP2 level for Rh and Ir metals, respectively. However, the activation energies for a 1,2-hydrogen shift via t.s.3 have been computed to be high 50.83 and 60.05 kcal/mol for Rh and Ir metals.



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