역필터를 이용한 기어의 맞물림 힘 재생에 관한 연구

Study on Gear Meshing Force Signature Recovery Using Inverse Filter

  • 채장범 (아주대학교 기계 및 산업 공학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


In monitoring and diagnosing machinery with gear trains, gear meshing force are the important signature indicating the operating condition. The gear meshing forces, however, are extremely difficult to be measured while gears are rotating. One easy possible way is to measure vibrations which are produced and transferred by the gear meshing forces. While the gear meshing forces are traveling, the force waveforms are shaped by the path transfer function. In the paper, the way to recover the source waveform by eliminating the path effects is discussed using inverse filter.
