수학적 엄밀성에 대한 역사적 고찰

  • 허민 (광운대학교 수학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


The problem of mathematical rigor is that of giving an objective definition of a rigorous proof. But standards of rigor have changed in mathematics and the notion of proof is not absolute. There are different versions of proof or rigor, depending on time, place, and other things. In this paper we will briefly trace that evolution.



  1. 대우학술총서 자연과학 v.109 중국수학사 김용운;김용국
  2. 현대대수학(제3판) 김응태;박승안
  3. 한국수학학회지 v.9 no.2 20세기 수학의 패러다임 - 20세기 전·후반의 수리철학을 중심으로 박창균
  4. 실해석학 Bressoud, David M.;허민;오혜영(역)
  5. Bulletin of the Amer. Math. Soc. v.47 Some Aspects of the Problem of Mathematical Rigor Curry, Haskell B.
  6. New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics Fidelity in mathematical discourse: Is one and one really two Davis, P. J.;Thomas Tymoczko(ed.)
  7. 수학적 경험(하) Davis, P. J.;Hersh, R.;양영오;허민(역)
  8. 수학: 새로운 황금 시대 Devlin, K.;허민(역)
  9. 수학 세계 탐험기 Devlin, K.;허민;오혜영(역)
  10. 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves, H.;허민;오혜영(역)
  11. 수학의 기초와 기본 개념 Eves, H.;허민;오혜영(역)
  12. New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics Is Mathernatical Truth Time-Depencent Grabiner, J. V.;Thomas Tymoczko(ed.)
  13. The American Mathematical Monthly v.102 Fresh Breezes in the Philosophy of Mathematics Hersh, R.
  14. Social History of Nneteenth Century Mathematics, Henk Bos, Ivo Schneider Origins of the program of arithmetization of mathematics Jahnke, H. N.;Otte, M.
  15. Mathematics Magazine v.64 Rigor and Proof in Mathematics: A Historical Perspective Kleiner, I.
  16. Mathermatical Thought from Ancient to Modern Tiems Kline, M.
  17. Mathematics Teacher v.91 no.8 NCTM
  18. Bulletin of Amer. Math. Soc. v.34 Mathematical rigor, past and present Pierpont, J.
  19. A Source Book in Mathematics Struik, D. J.
  20. American Scientist v.59 Modern' Mathematics: An Educational and Philosophic Error Thom, R.