새로운 계절변화 실험모형이 초등예비교사의 개념 변화에 미치는 효과

Preservice Students Concept형s Change on Change in Seasons through New Models

  • 채동현 (전주교육대학교 과학교육과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


A good example of the persistence of naive theories about change in seasons is well knowned: A filmmaker carried a camera into the crowd of gowned graduates at the 1987 commencement of Harvard University and asked a simple question, that is, "Why is it hotter in summer than in winter?" to twenty five students chosen at random. All of the answers except two were that the Earth is closer to the Sun in summer, so it is hotter in summer, but the Earth is farther from the Sun in winter, so it is cooler in winter. Until now, naive theories about the cause in seasons have been extensively studied. However, few studies to overcome these naive theories were reported. Author takes two steps: first, a new model on the cause in seasons is developed. Second, preservice students concepts' change on the cause in seasons through the new model is observed. The author concludes that the new model have a good effect on the preservice students concepts' change on the cause in seasons.
