Javanica 벼 원형질체로 부터 효율적인 식물체 재분화와 flow cytometry에 의한 ploidy 검정

Efficient Fertile Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Javanica Rice and Their Ploidy Determination by Flow Cytometry

  • LEE, Sung-Ho (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center) ;
  • Lee, Soo In (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center) ;
  • SHON, Young Goel (Department of Horticulture, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • GAL, Sang Wan (Department of Microbiological Engineering, Chinju National University) ;
  • CHOI, Young Ju (Department of Food and Nutrition, Silla University) ;
  • CHO, Moo Je (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


Southeast Asian javanica 벼 품종 Tinawen의 진탕 배양세포로부터 나출된 원형질체의 효과적인 배양과 식물체 재분화가 조사되었다. Lolium multiforum과 Oryza ridleyi의 진탕 배양세포들을 feeder cell로 사용했고 여러가지 재분화 배지를 이용하여 원형질체로부터 유도된 colony들을 재분화 시켰으며, 또한 식물체 재분화율을 높히기 위해 원형질체로 부터 유도된 colony들을 dehydration 시켜 재분화율을 조사하였다. L multiflorum 또는 O. ridleyi의 진탕 배양세포들을 feeder cell로 사용했을 때 원형질체의 평판효율은 feeder cell type과 age에 따라 차이가 났지만 0.09%에서 1.48% 범위로 나타났고, L. multiflorum을 feeder cell로 사용했을 때가 O. ridleyi cell을 사용했을때 보다 6배 높게 원형질체 평판효율을 얻었다. Feeder cell로 L. multiflorum을 사용하여 배양된 원형질채로부터 유도된 colony들을 dehydration 시킨 경우는 19.3-31.7%, O. ridleyi을 사용한 경우는 13.0-18.0%, 또한 이들 두 진탕 배양세포들을 혼합한 것을 사용한 경우는 18.0-22.0%의 식물체 재분화율을 얻은 반면에, dehydration을 시키지 않았을 때는 각각 2.0-7.0%, 3.0-5.0%, 0-4.0%의 재분화율을 얻었다. 원형 질체에서 재분화된 식물체의 flow cytometry를 이용한 배수성 분석 결과 대부분의 식물체가 이배체로 나타난 반면, 단지 34개중 두 식물체에서만이 4배체로 나타났다. 재분화된 식물체들은 온실에 옮겨 기른 결과 정상적인 임성을 나타내었다.

The Southeast Asian javanica rice variety Tinawen was investigated for efficient protoplast culture and plant regeneration from cell suspension-derived protoplasts using a feeder cell culture method. Feeder cells of both Lolium multiflorum and Oryza ridleyi, either alone, or in combination, were employed and plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived colonies on several plant regeneration media. Dehydration of protoplast-derived colonies was also investigated as a means of enhancing plant regeneration. In the presence of L. multiflorum or O. ridleyi feeder cells, the protoplast plating efficiency ranged from 0.09% to 1.48%, depending on the feeder cell type and the age of the cell suspension. L. multiflorum feeder cells induced approximately 6-fold higher plating efficiency compared with those of O. ridleyi. The plant regeneration frequencies were 19.3-31.7% with L. multiflorum, 13.0-18.0% with O. ridleyi and 18.0-22.0% with a mixture of both in various plant regeneration media when protoplast-derived colonies were dehydrated, while for the non-dehydrated colonies, the values were 2.0-7.0%, 3.0-5.0% and 0-4.0%, respectively. Flow cytometric analysis of 34 protoplast-derived plants showed that the majority of plants were diploids and only 2 plants were tetraploids. The plants which were transferred to glasshouse were fertile.



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