The Effects of Increase in the Oyster Hatchery on Fishermen's Income

굴 인공종묘배양장의 육성이 어가소득에 미치는 영향

  • 박영병 (부경대학교 경영대학 경영학부, 수산기업연구소)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of increase in the oyster hatchery on fishermen's income. The results of the analysis are as follows : \circled1 The necessary quantities of oyster seed are 18,000 thousand hanging line. The 29.4%, of that has been applied by ana-seed collection and 29.1% of that has been applied by proseed collection. The demage of oyster aquaculture business is estimated about 35 billion won or 83 billion won. \circled2 The production cost per hanging line of the oyster hatchery is 1,974 won. And if it is sold by 2,500 won, return on investment will be 31.9%. Therefore profitability of the oyster hatchery is very good. \circled3 There are four important determinant variables of profitability to the oyster hatchery. In the order of their effects, it is operation number, seed price, production cost, and quantity of production. \circled4 If differences of price between the artificial hardening oyster seed and the natural hardening oyster seed are more less 1,430 won, the former is better. \circled5 The necessarily quantities of the oyster hatchery are estimated 160 units in the scale of 10,000 hanging line production to one operation. \circled6 The effect of increasing income of fishermen are estimated about 85.3 billion won or 124.5 billion won from increase in the oyster hatchery.
