어촌사회의 실태 및 어민들의 의식에 대한 조사 -충청 서해안 어촌을 중심으로-

An Investigation on the Actual State of the Fishing Villages and the Attitudes of Fishermen

  • 김영조 (부경대학교 경영대학 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


This paper aims to investigate the actual conditions of the fishing villages and the attitudes of fishery workers. In this study, field research, interview method, and survey research method are utilized. The regions of this research are 4 fishing villages of the Yellow Sea coast and the survey data are collected from 119 fishermen. The results show that the fishery industry has come to a crisis due to the staggering fish catches and fishery income, increasing expenditures am debt, continuous decrease in numbers of fishery workers, etc. In addition, the work morale of the fishermen appears to be very low. They take a dim view of fishery industry and their household financial status. They perceive that their qualities of life are very low as well. The implications of these findings far comprehensive development of fishing villages are then discussed.
