중소기업 조세지원제도의 효율화에 관한 연구

A Study on the Efficiency of the Tax Support Systems for Small Business

  • 송동섭 (여주전문대학 세무회계과) ;
  • 김재준 (숭실대학교 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.08.01


The aim of this research is to devise and grope for the solution to the problems and betterment of both the present tax system facing the country and the present conditions of small businesses in order to develop small businesses and strengthen the competitiveness of them; as a result, this paper lays a strong emphasis on the point that small businesses must take a more tax reduction than big businesses in view of influence on national economy. However, it is important that small businesses try to exert itself to provide competitiveness in the market. It is also necessary that although the administration helps frame the policy of small businesses toward reduction in tax, it must set up strong measures to help the tax reduction of them centering around competitive businesses.
