A Study on the Actual condition of the Middle School Students on Drug use

중학교 학생들의 약물사용실태에 관한 연구

  • 성윤진 (한성여자중학교) ;
  • 안숙자 (중앙대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


The purpose of this study was to survey the actual condition of the Middle School Students on a Drug. In this study, 500 middle school students in Seoul response to a questionnaire which is composed to analyse two categories, i.e. general facts, the actual condition of drug use (the frequency of drug use, the degree of perception on drugs, the people using a drug surrounding the degree of purchase on drugs). And the students are classified by satisfactory degree on their home backgrounds, satisfactory degree on their school life, and school record. The data is analysed by means of frequency, percentage, chi-square test and Pearson's correlation using the $SPSS-PC^+$ package program. The results of this study were as follow : The frequency of drug use except a alcohol and the degree of perception on a drug among female students are higher than among male. The female students are more permissive on the drug use and they are also tend to think more easily the purchase of a drug. The frequency of drug use and the degree of perception on drugs are higher in the group of the lower satisfactory degree on their home background. Especially, there are many people using drugs surrounding the students in the lower group. The frequency of drug use and the degree of perception on drugs are higher in the group that has the lower satisfactory degree on school life. The students in the group having low school record have more dangerous thought about the use of drugs than the students of high record. The degree of perception on a drug is higher in a higher group, and the students in a higher group also think more easily the purchase of drugs. The percentage of students using drugs are not high, but the high percentage of students are interested in the drugs and they have permissive attitudes on drugs. Thus, the preventive education for drug abuse must be done rapidly.



  1. 사랑의 전화 특강자료 알콜 및 약물중독의 이해와 이론 고복자
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  6. 충남대학교 교육대학원 간호교육전공 석사논문 청소년의 약물사용과 비행실태 - 충청남도 일부 고등학교 3학년 학생을 중심- 김숙경
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  24. 청소년 약물남용의 원인과 치료 이윤로
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  28. 한국청소년학회 미국의 약물예방교육 -미국교육성의 약물예방 교육과정 중심- 주왕기;최충옥;조영제(역)
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  37. 한국사회의 청소년문화 :그 실태와 대책 한국정신문화연구소;조선일보사
  38. 약물남용 청소년 예방활동연구집 한국청소년학회
  39. 청소년의 약물남용실태 한국형사정책연구원
  40. What is Home Economics Education? Brown
  41. Drugs & Life Brown;Bernchmark
  42. Home Economics : a Definition Brown,M.M.;Paulucci
  43. Youth at Risk - A Prevention Resource for Counselors, Teachers. and Parents Capuzzi, Gross
  44. A Handbook of Drug Training - Learning about Drugs and Working with Drug Users Dave Macdonald;Vicky Patterson
  45. Drug Dependence J.H.Willis
  46. Drug, Society, and Human Behavior Oakley Ray;Charles Ksir
  47. Handbook on Drug Abuse Prevention -A Comprehensive Strategy to Prevent the Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs- Robert H.Coombs;Douglas Ziedonis
  48. Handbook on Home and Family Living through Adult Education Rudd,J.B.
  49. Changes & Choices-Personal Development & Relationships- Ruth E. Bragg