우리나라 인공호의 부영양화 평가 및 예측에 관한 연구

  • 발행 : 1998.08.01


The purpose of this study is to evaluate and to predict of eutrophication in lakes by using VollenweiderGECD model and total phosphorus concentration and inflow rate which were measurded in 1993-1996. The results of study was as follows. The annual total phosphorus loading from the watershed was calculated to be 181-195tP /yr at lake Soyang, 591-680tP/yr at lake Chungju, 420-466tP/yr at lake Taechong, 229-278tP/yr at lake Andong, 103-106tP/yr at lake Hapchon, 57-59tP/yr at lake Imha, 194-244tP/yr at lake Namgang, 8386tP /yr at lake Chuam, 99-109tP /yr at lake Somjin. These are discharged, for the most parts, from population and ftshfarm facility. TP loading on the surface area at lake Soyang was 3.0lgP/$m^2$/yr, 2.82gP/$m^2$/yr, 2.84gP/$m^2$/yr, 3. 03gP/$m^2$/yr, at lake Chungju 7.91gP/$m^2$/yr, 6.87gP/$m^2$/yr, 7.38gP/$m^2$/yr, 7.l8gP/$m^2$/yr, at lake Taechong 6.7lgP/$m^2$/yr, 7.25gP/$m^2$/yr, 7.24gP/$m^2$/yr, 6.53gP/$m^2$/yr and TP loading on the surface area of Nakdong river basin, that is, lake Andong, Imha, Hapchon and Namgang were 5.39gP/$m^2$/yr, 4.47gP/$m^2$/yr, 4. 56gP/$m^2$/yr, 4.45gP/$m^2$/yr and 2.20gP/$m^2$/yr, 2.23gP/$m^2$/yr, 2.24gP/$m^2$/yr, 2.l7gP/$m^2$/yr and 4.50gP/$m^2$/ yr, 4.50gP/$m^2$/yr, 4.54gP/$m^2$/yr, 4.43gP/$m^2$/yr and 8.25gP/$m^2$/yr, 8.48gP/$m^2$/yr, 8.48gP/$m^2$/yr, 10. 39gP/$m^2$/yr respectively. Also those of lake Chuam was 2.51gP/$m^2$/yr, 2.61gP/$m^2$/yr, 2.52gP/$m^2$/yr, 2. 54gP/$m^2$/yr and TP loading on the surface area at lake Somjin was analysed 4.09gP/$m^2$/yr, 4.l0gP/$m^2$/yr, 3.98gP/$m^2$/yr,3.73gP/$m^2$/yr. The tropic states of nine lakes can be assessed as eutrophy because phosphorus loading exceeds the critical phosphorus loading by Vollenwelder-GECD model.



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