대기 $CO_2$의 점증에 따른 대기/해양 접합 모형 지표 기온의 일시적 변동성 분석

Transient Variations of the Surface Air Temperature Field of a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model to Gradual Changes of Atmospheric $CO_2$

  • 하경자 (부산대학교 대기과학과) ;
  • 하은호 (연세대학교 통계학과, 부산대학교 대기과학과, 부산대학교 대기과학과, 부산대학교 대기과학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


The present study intends to investigate the transient response of an atmosphere /ocean general circulation model to a gradual Increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide. To detect the climatic change of the for 1% $CO_2$ run with increasing $CO_2$ and the control run with fried $CO_2$ are compared. From response of the surface air temperature due to the gradual increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide is slowly increased with latitudes and is clearly larger over continents than oceans. The annual goffal mean temperature is continuously increased with 0.03552 per one year with strong SIN ratio and distinguished from the natural variability The time dependent response of the gradual increasing $CO_2$ has the strong seasonal variability with small change In summer and large change in winter, and the strong regional In the Asian and the American continents. It has been suggested that the direct and the feedback processes in the climate systems should be investigated by the detailed sensitivity runs to get the meaninguul estimate of the $CO_2$ forced variability.



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