부산지방 강수량의 변화시점에 관한 통계적 접근

The Statistical Approaches on the Change Point Problem Precipitation in the Pusan Area

  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


This paper alms to estimate the change point of the precipitation in Pusan area using the several statistical approaches. The data concerning rainfall are extracted from the annual climatological report and monthly weather report issued by the Korean Meteorological Administration. The average annual precipitation at Pusan is 1471.6 mm, with a standard deviation of 406.0 mm, less than the normal(1486.0 mm). The trend of the annual precipitation is continuously decreasing after 1991 as a change point. And the statistical tests such as t-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test reveals that the average annual precipitation of after 1991 is less than that of before 1991 at 10% significance level. And the mean gnu성 precipitation In Kyongnam districts is also continuously decreasing after 1991 same as Pusan.



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