가사노동의 성격에 대한 연구-노동력재생산을 중심으로

A study on the domestic labor-with emphasis on the reproduction of labor power

  • 홍승아 (울산전문대학 가족복지과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


The purpose of this study is to contribute to the theoretical understanding of the nature of domestic labor in relation to the capitalist economic system. In this study I adopted the reproduction of labor for the analytical term. Also I owed theoretical basis to the political economy to analyze the relation between domestic labor and capitalist economy. The family is a very important place which functions to maintain and change both the present and future labor what is called the reproduction of labor power. It also has a close relationship with the total society. The reproduction of labor power is divided by 'gender division of labor' which allocates the responsibility to one gender(women) and exempts it to another gender(men). In conclusion the domestic labor is the very basis of capitalist economy and it is also the preliminary condition to its system. SO we can fully understand the capitalist economy with the 'visible' labor part and the 'invisible' domestic labor part inc usively. And we can also understand the interrelationship between family and labor market which constitutes one economic system and fuctions in it.
