맞벌이 가족 남서의 역할갈등에 관한연구

Men's Role Conflicts in Dual-Earner Family

  • 김태현 (성신여자대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


The purpose of this study is to examine men's role conflicts of dual-earner family based on man's role type. Man's role type is composed of man's sex role attitude and family-role performance and categorized in four types such as traditionalism type neo-traditionalism type equalitarianism type and inconsistancy type. The test analysis can be summarized as follows; First test analysis can be summarized as follows; role performance and man's role conflict as working hours is long wife's role requirement is high family-role conflict as working hours is long wife's role requirement is high family-role is not commit man's role conflict directly affected. In addition indirect affect through family-role performance shows that man's role conflict level is low as level of income is high level of income difference between man and wife is low child is younger and intent to modern sex-role attitude. Second looking into the difference role conflict to man's role type it shows that equalita ianism type's role conflict is low and man's role conflict in traditionalism and neo-traditonalism types is high.
